Βασιλείου Κωνσταντίνος / Πέμπτη, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 / Κατηγορίες: Έργα, Ευρωπαϊκά Έργα, Νέα, Νέα PRESS RELEASE EU-funded Twinning Project “Strengthening the Capacity of the Moldovan Parliament and Its Role in the EU Accession Process” Launched Chișinău, February 28, 2025 – Over the next two years, the Moldovan Parliament will benefit from European Union support to strengthen its institutional capacity. This week marked the launch of the Twinning Project aimed at achieving this goal. The event was attended by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Doina Gherman; the administration of the Parliament’s Secretariat; Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova Jānis Mažeiks; and the ambassadors of the EU member states in the Republic of Moldova.The main objective of the Twinning Project is to support the Republic of Moldova’s accession process to the European Union. In particular, the project will ensure an efficient, transparent and participatory legislative process in the context of EU acquis approximation, as well as strengthen oversight by the Parliament in the form of greater accountability for government decisions. The project is implemented by a consortium led by the Parliament of Greece, in partnership with the Parliaments of Romania, Italy, Hungary, and Austria.In the upcoming period, expert appraisal missions, seminars, workshops, study visits, and internships will be organized. Additionally, support will be provided for developing legislation, strategies, and implementation plans. According to Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Doina Gherman, these activities will be beneficial for the legislative institution. “We are actively engaged in the EU accession process and making significant efforts to progress in this regard. Our institutions are staffed with brave, determined, and talented individuals who require assistance and capacity-building support. This effort demands vision, and the experience of the Member States serves as the best example,” Doina Gherman added.“Over the next two years, we will share the most valuable experiences of the European Union Member States. Parliament plays a crucial role in the EU accession process, especially in the final stage of legislative harmonisation. Therefore, we must identify the best solutions to facilitate this process” added Parliament’s Secretary General, Igor Talmazan.“Over the next 24 months, this Twinning with the chambers of five Member States will enhance parliamentary oversight, refine legislative procedures, as well as foster a culture of inclusivity and dialogue, within the institution and with other stakeholders. This new project will equip the Moldovan Parliament with the necessary tools, expertise, and structural enhancements to fulfil these crucial roles effectively. Given the complexity of the EU accession process, a strong and well-functioning parliament is essential to scrutinize legislation, ensure transparency, and hold the executive accountable,” stated Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. The project will be implemented until February 2027 and consists of three components. These components aim to improve the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova’s capacity to analyse, draft, and amend the regulatory framework in alignment with EU legislation; to strengthen the Parliament’s ability to exercise parliamentary control over the Government’s activities more effectively; and to optimize internal procedures while enhancing the institutional capacities of the Parliament to manage the increasing volume of legislative activity and ensure transparency.Background informationThe Twinning project Strengthening the Capacities of the Moldovan Parliament and its role in the EU Accession Process, with the budget of 1.4 million EUR, is funded by the EU and implemented by a consortium of implementing partners, led by the European Programs Implementation Service (EPIS) of the Hellenic Parliament. The other implementing institutions include the Parliament of Romania (Chamber of Deputies and Senate), the Italian Parliament (Chamber of Deputies), the Hungarian National Assembly, and the Austrian Parliament. The Project has the duration of two years and was launched on 25 February 2025. The project has three components, as follows:1. Capacity of the Moldovan Parliament to analyse, draft and amend legislation in the context of EU approximation is improved;2. Parliament is more effectively exercising oversight over the Government;3. Internal procedures of the Parliament are optimized, and institutional capacity building is strengthened to efficiently tackle the increased legislative workload and to ensure transparency.Implementation period of the Project is 3 February 2025 – 2 February 2027 (24 months).Communication and Public Relations Directorate of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Προηγούμενο άρθρο Eναρκτήρια εκδήλωση του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος Twinning Print 32