Study on the assessment of the financial performance of EPIS and the Parliament, and proposals for improving the procedures for drawing up and implementing the budget.
Project Budget: Fifteen thousand euros (15.000€) plus VAT 23%
Duration of Project: 3 Months
Project Director: Svolopoulos Vasilios, Papadopoulos Eleftherios
Final Beneficiary of the project: Financial Services of the Hellenic Parliament
Contractor: Grant Thornton Α.Ε
Sub-project titles: Recording of the financial operations of HeP (Financial Services Directorate, Directorate for Procurement and Equipment Management, EPIS).
Purpose – Project Summary: The main objective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the economic operation of the European Programs Implementation Service (EPIS) and the Greek Parliament, through corrective interventions relating to the procedures of drawing up and implementing its budget, saving resources and time and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the financial management of European programs.
More specifically, the objectives of the project are:
- The mapping, analysis and evaluation of the existing economic function of EPIS and the Parliament.
- Defining proposals and improved interventions on the procedures for drawing up and implementing the budget.
- Formulating the revised form of economic operation of EPIS and HeP.
- Implementing the redesigned form of economic operation.
· Project Results – Deliverables: Study on the assessment of the financial performance of EPIS and the Parliament and proposals for improving the procedures for drawing up and implementing the budget.
The Deliverable contains the following Chapters:
- Assessment of existing economic performance of EPIS and the Parliament.
- Proposed changes in the economic operation of EPIS and the Parliament.
- Proposals on the procedures of drawing up and implementing the budget.
- Proposals for mechanisms to control and monitor the implementation of the budget.
- Suggestions for reporting standards.
- Detailed reports on the three phases of the project as mentioned above.
- Conclusions.