NOMAD - “Policy Formulation and Validation through non moderated crowdsourcing”
Budget: 3,425,546 € HeP: 147,200 €
Financing program: FP7
Call: FP7 – ICT – 2011 -7
Funding body: European Commission
Implementing body: HeP - EPIS
Project partners: Hellenic Parliament (GR), University of Aegean (GR), Democritus (GR), Google (IR), ATC (GR), Austrian Parliament (AT), Fraunhofer (DE), Qwentes Kantor SA (BE), CRITICAL PUBLICS LTD (UK).
Duration: 36 months
The project mainly focuses on the formulation and validation of policies through the use of the public opinion’s unstructured online information.
NOMAD aims, in the context of its pilot applications in the Greek and Austrian Parliaments, to create a tool that will provide decision-makers with fully automated solutions for content search, selection, acquisition, categorisation and visualisation of results.
Within the project:
• Firstly, the collection of information from the crowd was realised
• Then, the analysis, visualization and categorization of the information took place
• Finally, the information was made available to decision-makers.
In this way, an Information Tool was created on a single platform that provides decision-makers, such as the Hellenic Parliament, with fully automated visualized answers to content search of the information available on the Internet, their selection from a variety of social networks and websites using predefined keywords for specific policy issues and monitoring their evolution over time.