Business Process Re-engineering and functional toolkit for GDPR compliance - BPR4GDPR
Budget: 3.792.149,86 €
Financing program: Innovation Action
Call: H2020-DS-2016-2017 (Focus Area Digital Security)
Funding body: European Commission - Research Executive Agency (REA)
Project partners: CAS Software AG (CAS)
Singular Logic S.A. (SLG)
Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” (URM)
Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
ICT abovo Information and Communication Technologies P.C. (ABOVO)
Steinbeis Enterprise Information Management (STW)
Innovazioni Tecnologiche (INNO)
Studio Professionale Association a Baker & McKenzie (BAK)
E Government Center for Social Security Services S.A. (IDIKA)
Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA)
Duration: 36 months
The goal of BPR4GDPR is to provide a holistic framework able to support end-to-end GDPR-compliant intra- and inter-organisational ICT-enabled processes at various scales, while also being generic enough, fulfilling operational requirements covering diverse application domains. To this end, the proposed solutions will have a strong semantic foundation and will cover the full process life cycle addressing major challenges and priorities posed by the Regulation, including requirements interpretations, broad territorial scope, accountability, security means enforcement, data subject’s rights and consent, unified data view and processing actions inventory, privacy by design, etc.