“Creation of a System for Monitoring the Pre-removal and Forced Returns Process through the Greek Ombudsman (Annual Program 2012)”
Budget: 2.640 €
Financing program: The Action is funded under the National Program "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" and the European Union contribution amounts to 75%.
Call: EU Decision no. C (2012) 9767 / 18.12.2012
Funding body: Hellenic Parliament
Implementing body: European Programs Implementation Service (EPIS) of the Hellenic Parliament – Independent Authority «Greek Ombudsman»
Duration: 3 months
The Action is implemented by the Independent Authority of the Greek Ombudsman in cooperation with the EPIS of the Hellenic Parliament, within the framework of a Programme Contract signed on May 23, 2014 and approved on June 11, 2014.
The purpose of the proposed action is to ensure the legality of the forced return procedures with due respect for the personality and dignity, as well as the fundamental rights of forcedly removed third-country nationals, in accordance with the requirements of national, EU and international law.
The Greek Ombudsman, following the Action visits, proposed to the relevant Ministry the immediate transfer of third-country nationals from police detention areas to premises that meet the necessary specifications of Law 3907/2011 for the administrative detention of third-country nationals, given their often long-term confinement. The Ombudsman has received a positive response, welcomes the relative commitment of the Hellenic Police (ELAS) and looks forward to its implementation. The Ombudsman will submit a set of proposals in the 2014 annual report to the Hellenic Parliament, aiming to contribute to the creation of objective conditions and appropriate planning, so the detention in view of the forced return/removal, this extreme restriction to personal freedom, to be time restricted, whilst ensuring the respect for the fundamental rights of prisoners.
In this context, a transfer and on-the-spot meeting of Ombudsman’s 2 groups of 2 persons took place between 24.6.2014 - 28.6.2014 at 2 pre-removal centers of the Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace (Xanthi, Paranesti).
In addition, a visit of 2 groups of 2 persons were carried out in other areas of detention of third-country nationals to be forcedly removed (Border Guard Departments of Soufli, Fera, Iasmos, Police Department of Sapos)
At the same time, on-site meetings of the aforementioned officials were held with the relevant police authorities at the Alexandroupolis Police Department, the Orestiada Police Department and the Office of the Regional Coordinator for Third-country Nationals of East Macedonia-Thrace in Komotini.
Deliverable 1
Transfers of two 2-persons group for 3 days to at least 2 detention centers in northern parts of the country, via air transfer to Alexandroupolis and via land transfer to neighboring areas (car rental). Air/sea/land transfers of at least one group of 2 persons for 2 days in other detention areas of third-country nationals that were to be forcedely removed.