“Creation of a System for Monitoring the Pre-removal and Forced Returns Process through the Greek Ombudsman (Annual Program 2013)”
Budget: 21.745 €
Financing program: The Action is funded under the National Program "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" and the European Union contribution amounts to 75%.
Call: EU Decision no. C (2013) 9230 / 11.12.2013
Funding body: Hellenic Parliament
Implementing body: European Programs Implementation Service (EPIS) of the Hellenic Parliament – Independent Authority «Greek Ombudsman»
Final Beneficiary: European Programs Implementation Service (EPIS) – Independent Authority «Greek Ombudsman».
Duration: 12 months
The Action is implemented by the Independent Authority of the Greek Ombudsman in cooperation with the EPIS of the Hellenic Parliament, within the framework of a Programme Contract signed on May 23, 2014 and approved on June 11, 2014.
The purpose of the proposed action is to ensure the legality of the forced return procedures with due respect for the personality and dignity, as well as the fundamental rights of forcedly removed third-country nationals, in accordance with the requirements of national, EU and international law.
The results of this action period have been included in the 2015 Greek Ombudsman’s Annual Report on the forced return process (pursuant to Article 6 of the JMD for the organization of an external forced returns monitoring system GG B2870 / 24-10-2014), forwarded to the Hellenic Parliament in March 2016, within the context of the Authority's mission to safeguard the legality and the human rights and in order to maximize the transparency of the forced return procedures, which also establishes a justification for the provision in Article 8; paragraph 6 of Directive 2008/115 / EC of an external forced return monitoring system.
In this context, the following have been implemented:
1. 8 Ombudsman group transfers were carried out for the external monitoring of pre-removal centers and other places of detention of third-countries nationals that presented problems:
-in pre-removal center of Amygdaleza in Attica a visit by 3 officials on 21/8/2014,
-in Chios on 6-7/10/2014 a visit of 4 Special Ombudsmen scientists (third-country nationals identification / detention center and Chios Police Department),
-in Lesvos on 16-17/10/2014 a visit of 4 special scientists (pre-removal center of Morias, Lesvos Lesvos Police Department),
-also in Lesvos on 16-17/6/2015 a visit of 3 special scientists,
-in Taurus on 3/4/2015 a visit of 5 special scientists (pre-removal center of Taurou, Attica Directorate of Aliens),
-in Corinth and Argolida Prefecture on 28-29 / 4/2015 a visit of 4 special scientists (pre-removal center of Corinth, Police Department of Nafplio),
-in Macedonia and Thrace on 22-26 / 6/2015 a visit of 4 special scientists (pre-removal center of Paranestiou, Drama, Police Department of East Macedonia – Thrace, Thessaloniki Police Department),
-in Kos and Leros on 23-26/6/2015 a visit by 5 special scientists (third-country nationals detention facilities, meetings with Kos Police Directorate and Leros Police Authorities),
Furthermore, 2 transits were carried out, as follows:
-Participation in 2 convoys of the Attica Directorate of Aliens, for the forced removal by land of third-country nationals at the Albanian border, from Athens to Kakavia on 13-14/6/2015 and 27-28/6/2015 respectively (2-person groups in each removal operation, a total of 4 special scientists from the Greek Ombudsman).
2. Organize the training of 6 Ombudsman’s special scientists for the period 22-23/6/2015 in Copenhagen on issues of external monitoring of forced returns.
3. Publish, in May 2015, the annual external monitoring of forced returns report for 2014 in Greek and English.
4. Organize a conference on 21/5/2015 in Athens with the participation of international and European institutions, management representatives, NGOs and homologous institutions responsible for the external monitoring of forced returns.
5. Cooperation with the competent services of the Hellenic Police (ELAS) for the provision of statistics and scheduling the realization of forced returns. Finalizing specifications for a reliable system of recording and processing forced return data from the independent authority.
Deliverable 1
Participation in 6 person programs / conferences / seminars.
Deliverable 2
Six (6) transfers of officials for on-the-spot inspections at pre-removal centers and third-country nationals’ places of detention and two (2) transfers for the participation in forced removal operations.
Deliverable 3
Training and publication of 1 annual report on the external monitoring of forced returns mechanism during the Action.
Deliverable 4
Organizing 1 event or workshop involving management officials and/or NGOs, and/or external specialized guests and representatives of homologous institutions responsible for the external monitoring of forced returns.