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Partnership Agreement

Event date: 9/13/2018 - 10/9/2018 Export event
Βουλή των Ελλήνων
/ Categories: Νέα

Supply of electromechanical equipment for chiller plant


The Hellenic Parliament / European Programs Implementation Service publishes the following Call for Tenders for the award of a supply contract, with a budget of 159,500 € (plus VAT) and the title "Supply of electromechanical equipment for chiller plant" according to the Invitation to Tender document 02/2018.

The present Call for Tenders was drawn up in accordance with Part C of Annex V of Appendix A to Law 4412/2016 and in accordance with the Hellenic Parliament's Rules of Procedure Part B (Government Gazette 51 / A / 97), as currently in force.

1. Name, postal address, telephone and fax numbers of the Contracting Authority.

Hellenic Parliament / European Programs Implementation Service, 11 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, 1st floor, 106 71, Athens, Greece.

Responsible: M. Oikonomou & V. Tsombanidis (tel. +30 2103735317, 2103735120, Fax +30 2103735081), email: energeiako_BtE@parliament.gr

Secretariat Tel: +30 210 3735317, Fax +30 2103735081, email yeep@parliament.gr

2. Selected way of contracting.

a) Open procedure according to the provisions of Article 27 of Law 4412/2016 and the Rules of Procedure of the Hellenic Parliament, as in force.

b) Type of contract for which tenders are to be submitted: Supply contract entitled "Supply of electromechanical equipment for chiller plant".

3. Place of execution, general characteristics of the project.

a) The project will be carried out at the Main Building (Megaro) of the Hellenic Parliament, Syntagma, the Municipality of Athens, Prefecture of Attica, Greece.

NUTS code: GR30 EL 303.

b) The purpose of this tender is the selection of a Contractor to supply and install electromechanical equipment (a cooling unit and a cooling tower, with the respective pumps, a piping network and the necessary electrical equipment) at the chiller plant of the Main Building (Megaro) of the Hellenic Parliament.

It also includes: the decommissioning of three existing obsolete chillers together with their respective cooling towers, the existing pumps and piping of the chiller station and their removal from the building site. Additionally, the Contractor undertakes to provide all the above services in accordance with the Detailed Description of the Physical and Economic Object of the Contract, which can be found in Annex I - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS of the notice of this tender.

CPV code: 42500000-1, 42510000-4 and 51100000-3.

4. Duration of the contract.

The duration of the contract is 90 days from the date of its signature.

5. Communication

a) The full text of the Call for Tenders is available for open, complete, direct & free online access to the following addresses: (a) http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/Enimerosi/Diakirykseis-kai-Proskliseis/Diakirykseis-Diagonismon/ and (b) yeep.parliament.gr/el-gr/Publications.  In the latter case, the recipient will send a relevant update with his/her details to the following email: energeiako_BtE@parliament.gr.

The receipt of the Call can be made even in person or by courier on working days and between 9:30 am and 13:00 pm by the Hellenic Parliament - European Programs Implementation Service, 11 Vassilissis Sofias Avenue, 1st floor, Secretariat Office, Responsible Officers M. Oikonomou and V. Tsombanidis, phone: 210 3735317 - fax 210 3735081.

b) Relevant requests for clarifications can be submitted electronically via the following e-mail accounts: yeep@parliament.gr and energeiako_BtE@parliament.gr, no later than eight (8) days before the closing date for submission of tenders, and replies are aggregated on the website of the contest, through the web portal http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/ of the Hellenic Parliament, no later than four (4) days before the deadline for the submission of tenders.

6. Closing date for submission of tenders

a) The closing date for the submission of tenders shall be Tuesday, 9 October 2018 at 10.00.

b) Tenders must be submitted:

Tenders are submitted by the interested parties either (a) by a registered letter to the contracting authority at 11, Vas. Sofias Str. 106 71 Athens (1st floor, Office 18-Secretariat), or (b) by depositing them in the contracting authority's protocol (11 Vassilis Sofias, 10671, Athens (1st floor, Office 18 - Secretariat).

c) Tenders must be drafted in the Greek language.

The opening of the tenders according to article 100 of Law 4412/2016 will take place on the day of the Competition, ie on 09/10/2018, at 10:30 am, 11 Vassilissis Sofias Avenue, 1st floor, 10671 , Athens.

7. Guarantees and collateral required

Each tender bid is accompanied by a letter of guarantee amounting to three thousand one hundred and ninety euros (3,190.00 €), which corresponds to 2% of the budget value excluding VAT.

The participation guarantee must be valid for at least thirty (30) days after the expiry of the validity of the tender, ie until 09/05/2019.

The signing of the contract requires the provision of a performance guarantee in accordance with Article 72 (1) (b) of Law 4412/2016, amounting to 5% of the value of the contract, excluding VAT, and deposited before or during the signing the contract.

8. Estimated total value

Value 159.500,00 EURO plus VAT.

9. Funding

This contract is funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and by national resources through the SAE2001 Public Investment Program (No 2018SE20010000).

10. Entitled to participate

Participation in the procedure for the award of this contract shall be open to natural or legal persons and, in the case of associations of economic actors, those members who are established in:

(a) a Member State of the Union,

(b) a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA),

(c) third countries that have signed and ratified the International Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), to the extent that the public procurement contract under assignment is covered by Annexes 1, 2, 4 and 5 and the general notes relevant to the Union Attachment I to that Agreement, and

(d) to third countries not covered by case (c) of this paragraph who have entered into bilateral or multilateral agreements with the Union on matters of public procurement procedural assignments.

Associations of economic actors, including temporary partnerships or joint ventures, do not need to be of a specific legal form for the submission of bids.

Where partnership of economic actors submits a bid, all its members are jointly and completely liable to the contracting authority.

11. Economic and Financial Capacity

Economic actors must have, as a minimum condition, an average annual turnover during the three (3) last years (2015, 2016, 2017) of at least three hundred thousand euros (300,000.00 €).

In case the economic actor is active for less than three management years, then the average annual turnover for all the managerial years in operation, should be at least equal to the above amount.

12. Technical and professional capacity

Economic actors are required:

  1. to have successfully completed, over the past three years, at least 4 procurement contracts for the supply- installation - repair of water-cooled or air-cooled chillers - water heat pumps, amounting to at least three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) euro cumulatively.
  2. to have at least two certified mechanical or electrical engineers or mechanical -electrical engineers who have at least 10 years' experience, as evidenced by the date of obtaining their license to practice and their insurance certificate
  3. to be certified for the trading, installation and maintenance - technical assistance from the manufacturer or the official dealer in Greece of the cooler they will offer, or an equivalent document from the country where the economic actor's headquarters are declared.

13. Reasons for exclusion

Α tenderer, can be excluded from the participation in the current tendering procedure, if one or more of the reasons set out in Article 73 of Law 4412/2016 are applicable to him (in case of a natural or legal person) or one of its members (in case of an association of economic actors).

14. Tender validity period

Each tender submitted binds the participant to the tender for a period of 6 months beginning from the next day that the bid takes place.

15. Criterion for the award of the contract

The award criterion of the Contract is the most economically advantageous tender based on price only.

16. Appeals procedures

Any interested party who has or had an interest in being awarded the contract in question and has or has been, or may have been harmed by an enforceable act or omission by the contracting authority in breach of European Union law or domestic law, is entitled to bring an action for a preliminary ruling, in accordance with Article 149 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament (Part B), as in force, at the Committee for Examination of Appeals of the Hellenic Parliament (Government Gazette 48 / 31.1.2018) against the relevant act or omission of the contracting authority, by identifying in particular the legal and factual objections that justify his request.

17. Alternative offers

They are not accepted.

18. The Call was sent to the Greek press and posted on the Internet portal of the Hellenic Parliament on 13/09/2018.


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