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Saturday, October 5, 2024


Partnership Agreement

Twinning Project of the European Commission: "Strengthening the capacity of the National Assembly of Armenia to further support CEPA oversight and implementation"


The Program, in which the Italian Parliament also participates, with the Hellenic Parliament as its leader, is funded exclusively by the European Commission. Its aim is the provision of the expertise in order to strengthen the Armenian National Assembly on monitoring the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Armenia and the EU, which covers bilateral trade and entrepreneurship issues.


Project INTER|PARES “Parliaments in Partnership” (https://www.idea.int/news-media/multimedia-reports/inter-pares-parliaments-partnership) is a part of the EU Global Project to Strengthen the Capacity of Parliaments that aims to strengthen representative and inclusive democracy through support to the effective functioning of parliaments in partner countries, by enhancing their legislative, oversight, representative, budgetary and administrative functions. This Action, the first of global nature, is a further step towards contributing towards making parliaments in partner countries more effective, transparent, accountable, representative and approachable.

Developing a comprehensive strategy against racism, intolerance and hate crime

The Project entitled «Developing a comprehensive strategy against racism, intolerance and hate crime» is funded by the EU under the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) Programe    “Restricted call for proposals for public authorities on preventing and combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, and in particular hate crime and hate speech”.

The Hellenic Parliament / EPIS participates as a partner together with the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (Project Leader) and the Panteio University.

Science meets Parliaments / Science meets Regions

Within the framework of HeP’s / EPIS’ Proposal in the Program: "Science Meets Parliaments / Science Meets Regions", of the European Commission (EC), and in particular of the General Directorate "Joint Research Center" (DG JRC), the Hellenic Parliament will organize on Friday, March 15, 2019 at HeP’s historic Senate Hall, an informative one day conference entitled "Strengthening Social Inclusion and Integration Policies for Migrants in Greece".

Twinning project of the European Union: "Further strengthening the Assembly of Albania in the context of EU Accession”

 Under the broad institutional reforms in Albania taking place in the framework of EU integration process, the European Commission provides pre-accession assistance to support the reforms contributing to further strengthening of institutions in Albania. The National Assembly, as the highest legislative and representative institution in the Republic of Albania, plays an important role in the EU integration process. This EU funded Twinning Project is designed to strengthen the overall capacities of the Assembly in order to monitor the approximation of Albanian legislation with the EU acquis as well as the EU accession negotiations.

Twinning Project of the European Union: Strengthening Capacities of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in the EU Integration process.

Improvement of policy, legislation and implementation procedures in a central level. Increasing efficiency and transparency especially in the exercise of its representative role, its legislative function, and more specifically in the harmonization process of the Serbian legislation with the EU acquis, as well as of the oversight of the executive power. The project was completed in early November 2014 and its results are in the form of concrete and tangible implementation proposals to the administration and leadership of the Serbian National Assembly.

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